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In this chapter, you will learn to maintain files documents in Word, performing such activities as creating additional folders and copying, moving, and renaming documents. You will also learn how to create and print documents, envelopes, and labels and create a document using a Word template.
Click an underlined content item on this slide to advance directly to the related topic slide. To return to this slide, click the Contents button located in the bottom right corner of all slides. Alternatively, advance through the presentation one slide at a time by clicking the Next button, which appears as a right-pointing arrow in the bottom right corner of all slides. Go back a slide by clicking the Previous button, which appears as a left-pointing arrow in the bottom right corner of all slides.
To insert the image in a document, click the Paste button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab. The Print Screen feature is useful for file management because the folder contents can be printed to help keep track of documents and folders. The image can also be pasted by right-clicking in a blank location in a document and clicking the Paste option at the shortcut menu. The main folder on a storage medium is called the root folder and additional folders can be created within it.
At the Open or Save As dialog box, documents display in the Content pane preceded by document icons. At the Open or Save As dialog box, folders display in the Content pane preceded by folder icons. Many file document management tasks can be completed at the Open dialog box and some at the Save As dialog box. These tasks can include copying, moving, printing, and renaming documents; opening multiple documents; and creating new folders and renaming existing folders.
Click New folder button. Type folder name. Press Enter. Type a name for the folder the typed name replaces New folder and press the Enter key. A folder name can contain a maximum of characters. Folder names can use numbers, spaces, and symbols, except those symbols explained in the Naming a Document section on page 8 in Chapter 1. To make the new folder active, double-click the folder name in the Open dialog box Content pane.
The current folder path displays in the Address bar and includes the current folder and any previous folders. If the folder is located on an external storage device, the drive letter and name may display in the path. A right-pointing triangle displays to the right of each folder name in the Address bar.
Click this right-pointing triangle and a drop-down list displays the names of any subfolders within the folder. Right-click folder. Click Rename. Type new name.
To rename a folder using the Organize button, display the Open or Save As dialog box, click the folder to be renamed, click the Organize button on the toolbar in the dialog box, and click Rename at the drop-down list. This selects the folder name and inserts a border around it. Type the new name for the folder and press the Enter key. To select several adjacent documents, click the first document, hold down the Shift key, and click the last document.
To select documents that are not adjacent, click the first document, hold down the Ctrl key, click any other documents, and release the Ctrl key. Complete document management tasks on one document or selected documents. Click folder or document name. Click Organize button. Click Delete. Click Yes. If documents are being deleted from an external drive, such as a USB flash drive, click the Yes button at the confirmation message.
To delete a document using the shortcut menu, right-click the document name in the Content pane and click Delete at the shortcut menu. If a confirmation message displays, click Yes.
Documents deleted from the hard drive are automatically sent to the Recycle Bin. If a document is accidentally sent to the Recycle Bin, it can be easily restored. To free space on the drive, empty the Recycle Bin on a periodic basis. Restoring a document from or emptying the contents of the Recycle Bin is completed at the Windows desktop not in Word.
To display the Recycle Bin, minimize the Word window, display the Windows desktop, and double-click the Recycle Bin icon on the Windows desktop. At the Recycle Bin, files can be restored and the Recycle Bin can be emptied. Remove a document from one folder and insert it in another using the Cut and Paste options from the Organize button drop-down list at the Open dialog box. A document or selected documents also can be copied into the same folder. When a document is copied a second time into the same folder, Word adds to the document name a hyphen followed by the word Copy.
Click document name. Click Organize button and click Rename. Also learn how to remove office from Control Panel or Settings. If you deleted some files from your PC and emptied the Recycle Bin, then the files are permanently deleted.
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Its Backup module lets you choose files, folders, partitions, or the whole disk to back up. You can back up selected data to an external hard drive, USB flash drive, network drive, etc. Therefore, you can also use its File Sync feature to sync the data to another preferred location to make a backup.
If you want to back up data in a schedule, you can set a schedule to back up the target files automatically. If you want to save space on the backup device, you can choose the incremental backup scheme to only keep the latest backup version. Type Benefits and then press the Enter key to move the insertion point to cell A3. Type Avery in cell A3. Continue typing the data shown in Figure 1. After typing the data shown in the cells in Figure 1.
Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar. At the Save As backstage area, click the Browse option. Select the text in the File name text box and then type 1-EmpBene. Press the Enter key or click the Save button. To change the data in a cell, click in the cell to make it active and then type the new data. When a cell containing data is active, anything typed will take the place of the existing data.
If only a portion of the data in a cell needs to be edited, double-click in the cell. This makes the cell active, moves the insertion point inside the cell, and displays the word Edit at the left side of the Status bar. Move the insertion point using the arrow keys or the mouse and then make the needed corrections. Press the Home key to move the insertion point to the first character in the cell or Formula bar or press the End key to move the insertion point to the last character.
When the editing of data in a cell is complete, be sure to change out of the Edit mode. Two other ways to change out of the Edit mode and return to the Ready mode are to click in another cell and to click the Enter button on the Formula bar. If the active cell does not contain data, the Name box displays only the cell reference by column letter and row number. As data is typed, two buttons become active on the Formula bar to the right of the Name box, as shown in Cancel Figure 1.
Click the Cancel button to delete the current cell entry. A cell entry can also be deleted by pressing the Delete key. Click the Enter button when finished typing or editing the cell entry. With 1-EmpBene open, double-click in cell A7 contains Mikulich. Move the insertion point immediately left of the k and then type c. This changes the spelling to Mickulich. Click in cell A4 contains Connors , type Bryant, and then press the Tab key.
Clicking only once allows you to type over the existing data. Edit cell C2 by completing the following steps: 4a a. Type Classification over Benefits. Click in any other cell. Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar to 4b save the workbook again.
Tutorial Printing a Worksheet Printing a With a workbook open, click the File tab and the Home backstage area displays, Worksheet as shown in Figure 1.
Use buttons and options at the backstage area to perform actions such as opening, closing, saving, and printing a workbook. Print a worksheet from the Print backstage area, as shown in Figure 1. To display this backstage area, click the File tab and then click the Print option. Click the Print button to send the worksheet worksheet to the printer.
Use these options to specify how the workbook will be printed. Click File tab. Below the Print button are two categories: Printer and Settings. Use the gallery 2. Click Print option. Click Print button. The Settings category contains a number of galleries, each with options for specifying how the workbook will be printed. Use the galleries to specify whether the pages are collated when printed; what page orientation, page size, and margins the workbook should have; and whether the worksheet will be scaled to print all rows and columns of data on one page.
Another method for printing is to click the Quick Print button on the Quick Access Toolbar to send the workbook directly to the printer. To insert this button on the Quick Access Toolbar, click the arrow button at the right of the toolbar and then click Quick Print at the drop-down list. To remove the button, right-click it and then click Remove from Quick Access Toolbar at the drop-down list.
To close Excel, click the Close button in the upper right corner of the screen. The uick Steps Close button contains an X, and if the mouse pointer is positioned on the button, Close Workbook the button background changes from green to red and a ScreenTip displays with 1. Click Close option. Close Excel Click Close button. These features include AutoComplete, which allows users to automatically complete multiple entries of the same data; AutoCorrect, which automatically corrects many common typographical errors; and AutoFill, which automatically inserts words, numbers, or formulas in a series.
As the first few characters are typed into a cell, AutoComplete predicts what AutoCorrect will be typed next based on previous entries in the worksheet, and will automatically complete the entry based on its prediction. If the AutoComplete entry is correct, accept it by pressing the Tab key or the Enter key.
If it is incorrect, simply continue typing the correct data. This feature can be very useful in a worksheet that contains repetitive data entries. For example, consider a worksheet that repeats the word Payroll. The second and subsequent times this word is to be inserted in a cell, simply typing the letter P will cause AutoComplete to insert the entire word. To see what symbols and words are included in AutoCorrect, click the File tab and then click Options.
At the Excel Options dialog box, click Proofing in the left panel and then click the AutoCorrect Options button in the right panel. At the AutoCorrect dialog box, type the text shown in the first column in the list box and then press the spacebar and the text in the second column is inserted in the cell.
Along with symbols, the AutoCorrect dialog box contains commonly misspelled words and common typographical errors. Type the text shown in the first column of this list box in a worksheet and then press the spacebar and the text is replaced by the text in the second column of this list box.
With 1-EmpBene open, make cell A1 active. Type text in cell A1 as shown in Figure 1. Type the remaining text in the cells. Accept this by pressing the Tab key. Pressing the Tab key accepts West and also makes the cell to the right active. Use AutoComplete to enter the second and subsequent occurrences of Salaried and Hourly.
Print 1-EmpBene by clicking the File tab, clicking the Print option, and then clicking the Print button at the Print backstage area. The gridlines will not print. Close the workbook by clicking the File tab and then clicking the Close option at the backstage area. Tutorial Using AutoFill Entering Data Using When a cell is active, a thick green border surrounds it and a small green square the Fill Handle appears in the bottom right corner. This green square is called the AutoFill fill handle see Figure 1.
Use the fill handle to fill a range of cells with the same data or with consecutive data. For example, suppose the year is to be inserted into a row or column of cells. To do this quickly, type in the first cell, position the mouse pointer on the fill handle, click and hold down the left mouse button, drag across or down into the cells in which the year is to be inserted, and then release the mouse button. Hint When filling The fill handle can also be used to insert a series in a row or column of cells.
Type January in the first cell, position the mouse pointer on the fill down the Ctrl key if you want to copy the handle, click and hold down the left mouse button, drag down or across into 11 same data instead of more cells, and then release the mouse button.
Excel automatically inserts the displaying the next other 11 months of the year in the proper order. When using the fill handle, the instance in the series.
Certain sequences—such as 2, 4 and Jan 12, Jan 13—require that both cells be selected before using the fill handle. If only the cell containing 2 is active, the fill handle will insert 2s in the selected cells.
The list in Table 1. A variety of other sequences can be inserted in a worksheet using the fill handle. Click this button and a list of options displays for filling the cells. By default, data and formatting are filled in each cell. Use the Auto Fill Options button to choose to fill only the formatting in the cells or to fill only the data without the formatting. Other fill options include choosing to copy data into the selected cells or to fill the data as a series. To display this dialog box, click Workbook the File tab and then click the Open option.
This displays the Open backstage area. At the Open backstage area, click the Browse option. At the Open dialog box, navigate to the desired folder and then double-click the workbook name in the Content pane.
Tutorial Opening a Workbook from the Recent Option List Opening from the With the Recent option selected in the middle panel at the Open backstage area, a list Recent Option List displays with the most recently opened workbooks. Up to 50 workbook names appear in the list by default. Open a workbook from this list by clicking the workbook name.
Pinning and Unpinning Workbooks and Folders 2. Click Open option. Click Browse option. If a workbook is opened on a regular basis, consider pinning it to the Recent option 4.
Navigate to folder. To pin a workbook, position the mouse pointer 5. Double-click workbook name. The left-pointing push pin icon changes to a down- Recent Option List pointing push pin icon and the pinned workbook appears in the Pinned category 1. Position mouse Open backstage area is displayed. Click left-pointing and the Home backstage area. To unpin a workbook from the Recent or Recent push pin icon. More than one workbook can be pinned to a list.
Recent Option List Another method for pinning and unpinning documents is to use the shortcut menu. Right-click a workbook name and then click the option Pin to list or Unpin from list. Position mouse In addition to workbooks, folders can be pinned to a list at the Save As pointer over workbook name. The third panel in the Save As 4. Click down-pointing backstage area shows a list of the most recently opened folders and groups them push pin icon.
Pin a folder or folders to the list to display them in the Pinned category at the top of the list. Open FillCells by completing the following steps: a. Click the File tab and then click the Open option, if necessary. Click the Browse option. Save the workbook with the name 1-FillCells by completing the following steps: a. Press the F12 function key to display the Save As dialog box.
Press the Home key on the keyboard to position the insertion point at the beginning of the name in the File name text box and then type Click the Save button.
Add data to cells as shown in Figure 1. Begin by making cell B1 active and then typing January. Position the mouse pointer on the fill handle for cell B1, click and hold down the left mouse button, drag across into cell G1, and then release the 4 mouse button.
Type a sequence and then use the fill handle to fill the remaining cells by completing the following steps: a. Make cell A2 active and then type Year 1. Make cell A3 active and then type Year 3. Select cells A2 and A3 by clicking in cell A2 and holding down the left mouse button, dragging into cell A3, and then releasing the mouse button.
Drag the fill handle for cell A3 into cell A5. This inserts Year 5 in cell A4 and Year 7 in cell A5. Use the fill handle to fill adjacent cells with a number but not the formatting by completing the following steps: a. Make cell B2 active. This cell contains with bold formatting. Drag the fill handle for cell B2 to the right into cell E2.
This inserts in cells C2, D2, and E2. Click the Auto Fill Options button at the bottom right of the selected cells. Click the Fill Without Formatting 6d option at the drop-down list. Use the fill handle to apply formatting only by completing the following steps: a.
Drag the fill handle into cell B5. Make cell A10 active and then type Qtr 1. Drag the fill handle for cell A10 into cell A Save 1-FillCells. For example, the total cost of an item can be determined by inputting the AutoSum button individual costs of the item into a sum formula and the result will be the total of 1. Click in cell. Click AutoSum those costs. An active cell that contains a formula will display the results in the button.
Formulas can be inserted using various 3. Check range methods, such as typing, using the mouse, and using buttons on the ribbon. When values are added to cells A1 and A2, their sum will automatically appear in cell A3. Formulas can also be written that calculate averages, percentages, minimum and maximum values, and much more.
Make active the cell in which the formula will be inserted this cell AutoSum should be empty and then click the AutoSum button. Excel looks for a range of cells containing numbers above the active cell.
If no cell above contains numbers, Hint You can use then Excel looks to the left of the active cell. If the suggested range is not correct, drag through the range of cells SUM function in a cell. With 1-FillCells open, make cell A6 active and then type Total. Make cell B6 active and then calculate the sum of the cells by clicking the AutoSum button in the Editing group on the Home tab.
This is the correct range of cells, so press the Enter key. Make cell C6 active and then click the AutoSum button in the Editing group.
Make cell D6 active. Double-click the AutoSum button. Insert the sums in cells E6, F6, and G6. With this function, a 1. Click AutoSum cell entries. Click button arrow. Click Average. Specify range. When copying a formula to other locations in a worksheet, use a relative cell reference. Insert formula in cell. Use 2. Make active cell the fill handle to copy a formula relatively in a worksheet.
To do this, position the containing formula. Drag fill handle across or down to fill cross, click and hold down the left mouse button, drag and select the cells, and cells. With 1-FillCells open, make cell A14 active and then type Average. Insert the average of the range BB13 by completing the following steps: a. Make cell B14 active. Click the AutoSum button arrow in the Editing group and then click Average at the drop-down list. Copy the formula relatively to the range CG14 by completing the following steps: a.
Position the mouse pointer on the fill handle, click and hold down the left mouse 3b button, drag across into cell G14, and then release the mouse button. Save, print, and then close 1-FillCells.
For example, change the alignment of data in cells or rows or add character formatting. To identify the cells that are to be affected by the formatting, select the specific cells. Selecting Cells Using the Mouse Hint The first cell Select specific cells, columns, or rows in a worksheet using the mouse.
Selected cells, except the active cell, display with a gray background this may vary rather than a white background. The active cell is the first cell in the selection block and displays in the normal manner white background with black data. Selected cells remain selected until another cell is clicked with the mouse or an arrow key is pressed on the keyboard. Selecting Cells Using the Keyboard Keys on the keyboard can be used to select specific cells within a worksheet. Refer to Figure 1.
To do this with the mouse, or rows by holding position the cell pointer in a cell and then double-click the left mouse button. Drag with the I-beam pointer through the data to be selected.
Data selected within a cell appears with a gray background. To select data in a cell using the keyboard, press and hold down the Shift key and then press the arrow key that moves the insertion point in the desired direction. All the data the insertion point passes through will be selected. Press the F8 function key to turn on the Extend Selection mode, move the insertion point in the desired direction to select the data, and then press F8 to turn off the Extend Selection mode. When the Extend Selection mode is on, the words Extend Selection are shown at the left of the Status bar.
Applying Basic Formatting uick Steps Excel provides a wide range of formatting options that can be applied to cells in a Change Column worksheet. Some basic formatting options that are helpful when creating a Width worksheet include changing the column width, merging and centering cells, and Drag column boundary line.
OR Double-click column boundary line. Changing Column Width Merge and Center Cells If data in a cell overlaps into the next column, increase the width of the column 1. Select cells. To do this, position the mouse pointer on the gray 2. If the column contains data, double-click the column boundary line at the right to automatically adjust the width of the column to accommodate the longest entry.
A more precise way to change the width of a column is to display the Column Width dialog box, type in the desired width and then press the OK button. Open the Column Width dialog box by clicking the Format button in the Cells group and then click the Column Width option in the drop-down list.
Alternatively, right-click the column header and then click Column width at the shortcut menu. If other cells contain data, only Center the data in the first cell will be placed in the newly merged cell. Open MoExps and then save it with the name1-MoExps. Change column widths by completing the following steps: a.
Position the mouse pointer in the column header on the boundary line between columns A and B until the pointer turns into a double-headed arrow pointing left and right. Double-click the left mouse button. Position the mouse pointer in the column header on the boundary line between columns E and F and then double-click the left mouse button. Click in any cell in column F, click the Format button in the Cells group on the Home tab and then click the Column Width option at the drop down list.
At the Column Width dialog box, type Merge and center cells by completing the following steps: a. Select the range A1:C1. Select the range A2:C2. Save 1-MoExps. As numbers are typed, Excel will recognize the formatting. Currency format, Percentage format, and other formats recognized by Excel are shown in the Number Format option box in the Number group on the Home tab.
Number formatting can also be applied to cells in a worksheet before or after the data is typed. To do this, select the cell or cells and then click an option in the Number Format option box, or click one of the buttons in the Number group on the Home tab described in Table 1. If the number. Use the Increase Decimal and Decrease Decimal buttons to control how many digits are displayed after the decimal point, without changing the actual value in the cell. For example, the number 1.
A general guideline in accounting is to insert a dollar symbol before the first amount in a column and before the total amount but not before the number amounts between them.
To follow this guideline, format the first amount and total amount using the Accounting Number Format button and applying the Comma format to the number amounts between them. The Accounting number format and Comma number format are the same, except the Accounting number format includes the dollar sign.
To differentiate between the two Accounting formats, steps in this textbook will use the term Accounting format when the Accounting Number Format button in the Number group on the Home tab is to be clicked.
The term Comma format will be used when the Comma Style button is to be clicked. Percent Style Multiply the cell value by and display the result with a percent symbol; right-align the number in the cell. Comma Style Add any necessary commas and a decimal point followed by two digits even if none are typed; right-align the number in the cell. Increase Decimal Increase the number of digits displayed after the decimal point in the selected cell.
Decrease Decimal Decrease the number of digits displayed after the decimal point in the selected cell. This inserts the total of the numbers in the range B4:B Make cell C13 active and then double-click the AutoSum button. Apply the Accounting format to cells by completing the following steps: a.
Select cells B4 and C4. Decrease the number of digits displayed after the decimal point to none by clicking the Decrease Decimal button in the Number group two times. Select cells B13 and C Click the Accounting Number Format button.
Click the Decrease Decimal button two times. Apply the Comma format to numbers by completing the following steps: a. Select the range B5:C Click the Comma Style button in the Number group. Apply the Percentage format to numbers by completing the following steps: a. Select the range F3:F9. Click the Percent Style button in the Number group on the Home tab.
Click in cell A1. You will use the Help feature to learn more about entering data in cells, changing the font color, and printing a workbook. Use the Tell Me feature by clicking in the Tell Me text box on the ribbon to the right of the Help tab and then typing a term, or action. The drop-down list contains options for 1. Click in Tell Me text box.
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